

The Silent Workers of the Cross (SODC) are an international Association recognized by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

Members  are priests, brothers and sisters who live in Communities or with their families.  The Silent Workers of the Cross dedicate their lives to the suffering helping them to give meaning to their pain by uniting it with that of Christ’s.  They work directly with the diocesan groups promoting the diffusion of the Apostolate through pastoral workshops and in their own Rehabilitation Centers.  They have Communities in Europe, North America, South America, Africa and the Middle East.


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The Association has the following goals:

  • to promote the active role of the suffering in all aspects of the Church and society;
  • to focus on the problems of the diversely able and sick aiding in overcoming them;
  • to organize and present Spiritual Retreats, Workshops, Pilgrimages and Conferences;
  • to give professional Workshops for the diversely able and sick helping them to become active members of society.


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Further information



Sick or healthy persons who are looking toward saintliness can become Silent Workers of the Cross.  Their physical condition does not matter.

The Silent Workers of the Cross profess  Evangelical vows every year on December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.  They have Communities in Italy, Poland, Portugal, Israel, Columbia and a mission in Cameroon.

The Association is led by its Board of Directors headed by the General Moderator.


